My Info

Debi Douthit Profile Photo

Debi Douthit

   Relocation Specialist 
Owasso Office
9455 N Owasso Expwy Suite M
Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 272-9531

If you are a Seller...

  • We offer more programs to market Your home than any other company in Oklahoma!
  • Take advantage of our market share, reputation, and experience that allow us to Sell More Homes than Anyone in the Tulsa Area, PERIOD.

If you are a Buyer...

  • You can be assured that you will be exposed to all the homes in the Tulsa area that are in your price range and meet your needs.
  • You will have representation from the first time you see your new home, through negotiations, the escrow process, close and after.

Call Me Today To Get Started!

Active Listings (2)

: 5
: 3 Total
: 977
: 4
: 2 Total
: 1,479

Recent Sales (2)

: 2
: 1 Total
: 667
Res Zoning | 1.00 Acre(s)

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